By donald horning



Padmanabhan, B. and R.G. Chaudhury. 1989. The stag beetle Prosopocoilus spencei (Hope) (Lucanidae: Coleoptera) recorded as a pest of citrus. Indian Journal of Hill Farming 2(1): 97-98.

Palm, T. 1956. Systenocerus caraboides L. och cribratus Muls. (Col., Lucanidae). Entomologisk Tidskrift 77(1): 19-24.

Panov, A.A. and E.J. Melnikova. 1987. Histological studies on the cerebral neurosecretory cells and retrocerebral endocrine complex of Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera, Insecta). Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung fuer Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 116(3): 323-350. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 124, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Papini G. 1962. Elenchi di Coleotteri raccolti nel Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo. Boll. Assoc. Romana Entomol., 17(2-3):1-6.

PARRY F.J.S. (1843) Description of a new genus of Lucanidae from New Zealand. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 12(78): 362.

PARRY F.J.S. (1862) Trans or Proc. Ent. Soc., p.111-112.

PARRY F.J.S. (1863) A few observations upon Lucanus lama, Oliv., and its synonymy. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London Third Series 1: 453-454.

PARRY F.J.S. (1863) A few remarks upon Mr. James Thomson's catalogue of Lucanidae, published in the "Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 1862". Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, Third Series, 1: 442-452.

PARRY F.J.S. (1864) A catalogue of lucanoid Coleoptera; with illustrations and descriptions of various new and interesting species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3) 2: 1-113.

PARRY F.J.S. (1864) Further remarks on Mr. James Thomson's 'Catalogue of Lucanidae'. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London Third Series 2: 5-8.

PARRY F.J.S. (1864) Further remarks on Mr. James Thomson's 'Catalogue of Lucanidae'. Zoologist 22: 8982-8984.

PARRY F.J.S. (1864) Odontolabis stevensii. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London Third Series 2: 29-30.

PARRY F.J.S. (1870) A revised catalogue of the lucanoid Coleoptera; with remarks on the nomenclature and descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 1870(1): 53-118.

PARRY F.J.S. (1871) Note on the genus Lissapterus. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1871: xlii-xliii.

PARRY F.J.S. (1872) Descriptions of new species of lucanoid Coleoptera: with remarks on the genus Cantharolethrus, and supplementary lists. Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 1872(1): 73-84.

PARRY F.J.S. (1873) Characters of seven nondescript lucanoid Coleoptera, and remarks upon the genera Lissotes, Nigidius and Figulus. Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London 1873(3): 335-344.

PARRY F.J.S. (1874) Further descriptions of Lucanoid Coleoptera. Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 1874(3): 365-372.

PARRY F.J.S. (1875) Description of a new species of Chiasognathus (Coleoptera : Lucanidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 12: 174.

PARRY F.J.S. (1875) Description of a new species of Prosopocoelus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London 1875(2): 161.

PARRY F.J.S. (1875) Description of a new species of the lucanoid genus Cantharolethrus, Thomson. Cistula Entomologica 2: 51-52.

PARRY F.J.S. (1875) Catalogue. p.12.

PARRY F.J.S. (1876) Description of a new species of Chiasognathus (Coleoptera; Lucanidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 12: 174.

PARRY F.J.S. (1876) Description of a new genus and species of lucanoid Coleoptera from the interior of Tasmania. Cistula Entomologica 2: 131-132.

PARRY F.J.S. & WESTWOOD J.O. (1870) Notes on the affinities of Nicagus obscurus. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1870: iii, ix.

Paukstadt, U. and L.H. Paukstadt. 1992. Reisen und entomologische Aufsammlungen auf Celebes (Indonesien). 3., spezieller Teil: Lucanidae (Coleoptera) von Celebes. Nachrichten des Entomologischen verins Apollo 13(1): 1-12. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 128, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Paulian, A. 1978. Contribution à la connaissance de la faune entomologique de la Corse. 1re note: Scarabaeoidea. L’Entomologiste 34(1): 6-15.

Paulian, R. 1957. Coléoptères lucanides. Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, E VIII: Faune de Réunion, O.R.S.T.O.M., p. 95. [Not seen, Maes, 1992B.]

Paulian, R. 1973. Le genre Agnus Burmeister [Col. Lucanidae]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 78(5-6): 196-200.

Paulian, R. 1979. Insects Coléoptères. Famille des Belohinidae. Faune Madagascar 50: 51-56.

Paulian, R. and J. Baraud. 1982. Faune des Coléoptères de France. II. Lucanoidea et Scarabaeoidea. Ent. Ent. 43. Lechevalier, Paris. 447 pp. [Not seen.]

Paulsen, O. 1989. [A stag from cradle to grave.] Insekt Nytt 1989: 19-21. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 126, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Paulus, H.F. 1970. Beschreibung einer neuen Lucanidae - Platycerus pseudocaprea n.sp. (Coleoptera). Entomologische Zeitschrift 80(13): 113-116.

Paulus, H.F. 1973. Platycerus pseudocaprea Paulus aus den Pyrenäen (Col., Lucanidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 77: 313-320.

Pavett, P.M. 1987. In praise of Merthyr Mawr. A good place for beetles. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society 46(356): 159-160. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 124, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Pawlowski, J. 1958. Les nymphes du ceruchus chrysomelinus (Hochw. (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) du Parc National de Bialowieza. Bulletin entomologique de la Pologne 27(16): 141-147.

Pawlowski, J. 1958. The genus Systenocerus Weise in Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 8(6): 111-130.

Pawlowski, J. 1959. L'essai de l'arrangement des aberrations chromatiques des especes du genre Systenocerus Weise (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Bulletin entomologique de la Pologne 29(20): 421-430.

*Peez, A. and M. Kahlen. 1977. Die Käfer von Südtirol. Veröff. Mus. Ferdinandeum 57 (Beilageb. 2), Innsbruck. 525 pp. [Not seen.]

Pena, G.L.E. 1985. Notas entomologicas. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 12: 219. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 123, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

PEREIRA F.S. (1944) Lucanidae, Passalidae e Scarabaeidae de Monte Alegre. Papeis Avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo, Brasil, VI(8):81-92.

Perez, d’A. V. 1991. Proyeccion del gran ciervo volante de Chile Chiasognathus grantii Stephens (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), en la literatura entomologica extranjera. Acta Entomologica Chilena 16: 255-256.

Péringuey, L. 1902. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa (Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae). Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society 12: 1-12.

Péringuey, L. 1908. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa (Lucanidae, Passalidae, Scarabaeidae). Additions and corrections. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society 13: 547-752.

Perrault, G.G. 1991. A propos d’un peuplement de Sphanognathus Buquet dans les Andes de Venezula (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Nouvelle revue d’Entomologie 8(3): 258.

Perty, M. 1831. Observationes nonnullae in Coleoptera Indiae Orientalis. Dissertatio philosophico entomologica, quam unacum praemissis thesibus auctoritate et consensu illustris philopsophorum ordinis in Academia Ludovico-Maximilianea Faculatatem Legendi rite adepterus. Monachnii. 44 pp.

Peterson, A. 1960. Larvae of Insects, an Introduction to Nearctic Species. Part II. Coleoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecopter, Trichoptera. ?Publisher, Columbus, Ohio. 416 pp.

Petit, J. 1989. Chronique de la Montagne Saint-Pierre 13. Une nouvelle trouvaille de Dorcus parallelepipedus (Linne) (Coleoptere Lucanidae). Revue Vervietoise d’Histoire Naturelle 1989: 29-31. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 126, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Pfaff, S. 1989. Der Hirschkafer im Komposthaufen (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 10(1): 31-32. [Not seen, Zoological Record, volume 125, Section 13B - Coleoptera.]

Pic, M. 1911. Sur divers lucanides paléarctiques (Col.). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1911: 399-400.

Pic, M. 1926a. Nouveaux Coléoptères exotiques. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1926: 142-144.

Pic, M. 1926b. Sept Coléoptères exotiques nouveaux. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1926: 153-155.

Piccioli, F. 1877. Elenca delle specie di Coleotteri raccolti sugli Appennini pistoiese, modeese e pramense nel luglio 1876, e determinati da Ferdinando Piccioli, con descrizione di una nuova specie. Bullettino della Società Entomologica italiana 9: 223-231.

Pilgrim, R.L.C.P.  1970.  An outline of work being done in New Zealand institutions.  New Zealand Entomologist 4(3):  25-29.

Planet, L. 1898. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 20: 107-109.

Planet, L. 1898. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 20: 165-166.

Planet, L. 1898. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 20: 214-216.

Planet, L. 1898. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 20: 251-253.

Planet, L. 1898. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 20: 275-278.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(335): 49-50.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(336): 57-59.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(340): 111-112.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(342): 133-134.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(344): 157-158.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(346): 179-180.

Planet, L. 1901. Essai monographique sur les Coléoptères des genres pseudolucane et lucane. Le Naturaliste 23(347): 193-195.

Planet, L. 1903. Description d’un lucanide nouveau. Le Naturaliste 25(380): 12-13.

Planet, L. 1905. Description d’un lucanide nouveau. Le Naturaliste 27(445): 212-213.

Planet, L. 1909. Description d’un pseudolucanide nouveau. Le Naturaliste31(538): 173.

Planet, L. 1927. Contribution a l'étude des espéces du genre Lucanus. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1927: 105-107.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1886) Tijdschr. Entom., ‘s Gravenhage, p.153. (something on Aegognathus leuthneri).

POLL J.R.H. van de (1887) On the forma priodonta of Odontolabis dalmani, Hope and the forma teledonta of Odontolabis celebensis, Leuthn. Notes from the Leyden Museum 9: 279-281.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1889) On a new species of the lucanoid genus Odontolabis, Hope. Notes from the Leyden Museum 11: 225-227.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1889) On the geographical distribution of some little-known African species of Nigidius. Notes from the Leyden Museum 11: 228.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1890) On the forma priodonta of Odontolabis lowei, Parry and the forma teledonta of Odontolabis sommeri, Parry. Notes from the Leyden Museum 12: 159-160.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1896) Description of a new species of the lucanoid genus Metopodontus. Notes from the Leyden Museum 17: 63-64.

POLL J.R.H. van de (1896) Contribution to the lucanoid fauna of Java. Notes from the Leyden Museum 17: 125-128.

Poole, R.W. and P. Gentili. 1996. Nomina Insecta Nearctica. Volume 1: Coleoptera, Strepsiptera. Entomological Information Services, Rockville, Maryland. 827 pp. (Lucanidae, pp.296-297.)

Porta, A. 1932. Fauna Coleopterorum Italica. Volume 5. Piacenza. 476 pp. [Not seen.]

POUILLAUDE I. (1913) Note sur quelques Lucanidae d'Indo-Chine. Insecta; revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 3: 332-337.

POUILLAUDE I. (1914) Description de Neolucanus giganteus, n. sp. (Col. Lucanidae). Insecta; revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 4: 37-41.

Price, A. 1961. Coleoptera from the Tinworks Pond at Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, S. Wales. Proceedings of the South London Entomological Society 1961: 46-47.

Puissegur, C. 1947. A propos de Sinodendron cylindricum L. [Col. Lucanidae] dans les Pyrénée Centrales. L’Entomologiste 3(4): 199.