


biblioteca virtual de BIO-NICA no tiene fines lucrativo, tan solo apoyar a
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en general a documentarse en temas que tienen que ver con Biodiversidad.
Los documentos presentados son obtenidos de la Internet
o de amigos o son publicaciones de miembros o asociados del Museo
Entomológico o de ALAS.
Adelantado Pascual de. - Traducido al Ingles por MARKHAM
C.R. (1865) Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces
of Tierra Firme of Castilla
del Oro, and of the discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and
Nicaragua. The Hakluyt Society, London, 138 pp.
C.L.G. (1914) Old Panama and Castilla del Oro. Boston, The Page
Company, 432 pp.
q BARD S.A. (=Squier Ephraim Georges) (1855) Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. New York, Harper & Bros. 374
q BELLY M. F. (1858)
Percement de L´isthme de Panama par Le Canal de Nicaragua. Exposé de la
Question. Paris Aux Bureaux de La Direction Du Canal, 27, Rue Laffitte, 27, Et a La Librairie Nouvelle, 15, Boulevard Des Italiens, 13. (Solo Portada).
q BELT T. (1874) The Naturalist in Nicaragua. London, 396pp.
q BELT T. (1874) El Naturalista en Nicaragua.
Traducido por Jaime Incer (2003). Banco Central de Nicaragua. Coleccion Cultural de Centro America.
Serie Viajeros No. 4, 394 pp.
q BENARD E. (1874)
Nicaragua and the Interoceanic Canal. Washington. 17+2 pp.
q BOYLE F. (1868) A
ride across a continent: a personal narrative of wandering through Nicaragua
and Costa Rica. Volume I. Richard Bentley, London. Xxviii+299 pp.
q BOYLE F. (1868) A
ride across a continent: a personal narrative of wandering through Nicaragua and
Costa Rica. Volume II. Richard Bentley, London. vii+297 pp.
q BRANDRETH A.M. (1880)
Professional Papers on Indian Engineering. Second Series. XXXVII. CCCXXVIII.
Inter-oceanic Canal Projects. By Walton W. Evans Pp. 223-258. Roorkee,
Printed and Published at the Thomason College Press. 86 pp.
D.G. (1883) Brinton’s Library of
Aboriginal American Literature. Number III. The Gueguence;
A comedy ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish dialect of
Nicaragua. Philadelphia. 172 pp.
T.Ch. (1997) Nahuas,
Gachupines, Patriarchs and Piris:
Nicaraguan History through Highland Peasant Eyes. Journal of American Culture,
q BUTTERWORTH H. (1898) Lost in
Nicaragua. Or Among coffee farms and banana lands, in the countries of the
Great Canal. Travel adventure Series. Boston and Chicago, W.A. Wilde &
Company. 296 pp.
q BYAM G. (1849) Wild
Life in the Interior of Central America. London, John W. Parker, 253 pp.
G. (1850) Wanderings in some of the
Western Republics of America with Remarks upon the cutting of the Great Canal
through Central America. London, John W. Parker. 289 pp.
q CASTRO FRENZEL E.A. (2016) El reloj de Catedral San Juan
de Jinotega – Reseña historica – (de su
renacimiento). 55 pp.
q Central American Court of Justice (1916) Before the Central American Court of Justice. The
Republic of Costa Rica against The Republic of
Nicaragua. Washington, 80 pp.
q Central American Court of Justice (1917) Before the Central American Court of Justice. The
Republic of El Salvador v. The Republic of Nicaragua; growing out of a
convention entered into by the Republic of Nicaragua with the United States of
America for the sale of the San Juan River and other matters. San José, Costa
Rica, 92 pp.
C.E. (1922) An
American Experiment in Nicaragua. The American Review of Reviews. Edited by
Albert Shaw. LXVI:405-410.
W.M. (1992) The
Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 1492. Annals of the Association
of American Geographers, 82(3):369-385.
E. (1997) Property, Household and Public Regulation of
Domestic Life: Diriomo, Nicaragua 1840-1900. J. Lat.
Amer. Stud., 29:591-611.
E. (2003) Debt Peonage in Granada, Nicaragua, 1870-1930:
Labor in a Noncapitalist Transition. Hispanic
American Historical Review, 83(3):521-559.
q DOUBLEDAY C.W. (1886)
Reminiscences of The “Filibuster” War in Nicaragua.
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London. 225 pp.
q FELDBALLE F. (1893)
Views from the Mosquito Reservation, Nicaragua, C.A. 62 pp.
de CASTRO H. (2000) Cartas y notas de Sandino y
Sandinistas a Luis Frenzel, Yali,
1927-29. Con comentarios de Hulda Frenzel
de Castro, su hija. 28pp.
J. (1857) Aus Amerika. Erfahrungen, Reisen und Studien. Zweiter Band. Zweite wohlfeite Ausgabe. Leipzig, Dyt’fche Buchhandlung. 644 pp.
q GADEA MANTILLA F. (1982) Nicaragua
Ayer y Hoy. Editoriales. Segunda Edicion. 196 pp.
q GISMONDI M. & MOUAT J. (2002) Merchants,
Mining and Concessions on Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast: Reassessing the American
Presence, 1893-1912. J. Lat. Amer. Stud., 34:845-879.
J. (1993) “Vana Ilusión” The Highlands Indians and the Myth of Nicaragua
Mestiza, 1880-1925. Hispanic American Historical Review, 73(3):393-429.
q GRANT General U.S. (1881
February) The Nicaragua Canal. The North American Review, 131(291):107-116.
C.A. (1912) Monetary reform for Nicaragua. Report
presenting a Plan of Monetary Reform for Nicaragua. Submitted to Messrs. Brown
Brothers & Company and Messrs. J. & W. Seligman & Company. 152 pp.
q HAYENS H. (xxxx) Under the Lone Star. A story of revolution in
Nicaragua. Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., London, Edinburgh, New York, Toronto
and Paris. 390 pp.
Gotz Freiherr von (1975) Los Alemanes en Nicaragua. Coleccion Cultural, Banco de
America, Managua, Nicaragua, 479 pp.
Freiherr von (1986) Deutsches Leben in Nikaragua.
Auswanderer-Schicksale. 451 pp.
q JAMISON J.C. (1909) With
Walker in Nicaragua or Reminiscences of an Officier
of the American Phalanx. E.W.Stephens Publishing
Company, Columbia, Missouri. 181 pp.
q JARQUIN BLANDON S. (1991) Jinotega. Recopilación
histórica. EDIT-ARTE, Managua, 180 pp.
q JARQUIN BLANDON S. (2006) Jinotega. Recopilación histórica. Versión en alemán
por Arturo Castro Frenzel. Berlin, 151 pp.
q KEASBEY L.M. (1897) The
Nicaragua Canal, The Gateway between the Oceans. The Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, 9: pp139.
q KEASBY L.M. (xxxx) XI. The National Canal Policy. Pp.277-288.
q KOEBEL W.H. (1917) Central America.
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and Salvador. T.Fisher Unwin Ltd. London. 436
q LETTS J.M. (1852) California
Illustrated: Including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes by a
returned Californian. William Holdredge, Publisher.
332 pp.
q LUCAS D.B. (1896) Nicaragua:
War of the Filibusters. With Introductory Chapter by Lewis Baker. The Nicaragua
Canal by W.A. MacCorkle. The Monroe Doctrine by J.
Fairfax McLaughlin. Richmond, VA; B.F. Johnson Publishers Company. 258 pp.
q MAYORGA D. J.W. (2008)
Memorias de mi amado León. Vivencias, cuentos y relatos. Santiago de los
Caballeros de Nicaragua. 175 pp.
q McDONALD R.H. (1893) The
Nicaragua Canal and other essays on Political economic topics. The Californian
Publishing Company, San Francisco. 61 pp.
q McQUEEN J. (1838) A general plan for a mail communication by steam
between Great Britain and the Eastern and Western Parts of the World, also, to
Canton and Sydney, westward by the Pacific to which are added Geographical
Notices on the Isthmus of Panama, Nicaragua, &c. London: B. Fellowes. 152 pp.
q MENOCAL A.G. (1890) The Nicaragua
Canal its design, final location, and work accomplished. Read at the Fourth
International Congress of Inland Navigation, Manchester, 29 pp.
q MERRY W.L. (1895) The Nicaragua Canal. The gateway between the oceans.
Published by Authority of The Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, The Board
of Trade of San Francisco, The Chamber of Commerce of Portland, Oregon, The Chamber of Commerce of San Diego. San Francisco,
California, 46 pp.
q MERRY W.L. (1900) San Francisco and The Nicaragua Canal. 20 pp.
q MILLER J. (1872) Songs of
the Sierras. London, Longmans, Green, and Co. 346 pp.
q MILLER W. (1890)
Nicaragua Canal. Report on Prospective Tonnage of Traffic. Presented by The
Nicaragua Canal Construction Co., New York. 38 pp.
q NADAL E.S. (1894) Francis Aquila
Stout. Introductory
remarks by E.S. Nadal. Francis Aquila Stout. A Study
by Gen. John Meredith Read. The Nicaragua Canal by Commander Henry C. Taylor.
New York. 134 pp.
BELL C. (1890) Tangweera. Life and adventures among gentle savages. London,
Edward Arnold, 356 pp.
q NIMMO J. (1900) The
Nicaragua Canal in its relation to Chicago and the Northwest. Washington, 6+2
K.H. (2002) The Sambo and Tawira Miskitu: The Colonial Origins and Geography of Intra-Miskitu Differentiation in Eastern Nicaragua and Honduras. Ethnohistory, 49(2):319-372.
q OLIPHANT L. (1860) Patriots
and Filibusters or Incidents of Political and Exploratory Travel. William
Blackwood and sons, Edinburgh and London. 242 pp.
q OLIVA REGIDOR H. (2014) San Juan de Jinotega: Una
Mirada a la historia. Editarte, Managua, Nicaragua, 76 pp.
J. (1889) The
Treasure-Finders. A boy’s adventures in Nicaragua. New York, A.L. Burt
Publishers. 326 pp.
O.S. (1867) Off Duty. Rambles of a Gunner.
Through Nicaragua. Taylor & Francis, London, 228 pp.
q PEÑA TORRES L.M. (2006) El
período de los Treinta Años Conservadores. VII Congreso Centroamericano de
Historia. Antigua, Guatemala, 10-14 Julio 2006, 10 pp.
q RADELL D.R. & PARSONS J.J. (1971) Realejo: A forgotten Colonial Port and Shipbuilding Center
in Nicaragua. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 51(2):295-312.
q ROA E. (1919) Barroquismos en solfa. Con prólogo de Ernesto R. Oyanguren A. Barcelona, 136 pp.
O.W. (1827) Narrative of Voyages and
excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America: describing
A journey up the River San Juan, and passage across
the Lake of Nicaragua to the city of Leon; pointing out the advantages of a
direct commercial intercourse with the natives. Edinburgh,
Printed for Constable & Co. Edinburgh and Hurst, Chance, & Co. London. 316
q ROBINSON W.I. & NORSWORTHY K. (1987) David and Goliath. The US War against
Nicaragua, New York: Monthly Review Press. Journal of Peace Research, 25:202.
ROCHE J.J. (1891) The story of the
Filibusters. To which is added the life of Colonel David Crockett. T. Fisher,
London & Macmillan & Co., New York. 373 pp.
J.I. (1905) American Constitutions.
A compilation of the political
constitutions of the independent nations of the New World, with short historical
notes and various appendixes. Volumen I (Norte y
Centro America). International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington.
Government Printing Office. 438 pp.
J.I. (1905) American Constitutions.
A compilation of the political
constitutions of the independent nations of the New World, with short
historical notes and various appendixes. Volumen II (Carribean sea and South America).
International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington. Government Printing
Office. 468 pp.
SCROGGS W.O. (1916) Filibusters and Financiers. The story of William
Walker and his associates. The Macmillan Company, New York, 408 pp.
SIMMONS W.E. (1900) The Nicaragua Canal. New
York and London, Harper & Brothers Publishers. 356 pp.
SMITH N. (1990) The making of solidarity.
Jim Eitel and the Nicaragua Information Center. An
oral history. 140 pp.
E.G. (1860) Nicaragua: its
People, scenery, monuments, resources, condition, and proposed canal with one
hundred original maps and illustrations. New York, Harper & Brothers,
Publishers. (Revised Edition of original edition in 1852). 722 pp.
q SQUIER E.G. (1891) Adventures
on the Mosquito Shore. New York, Worthington Co. 380 pp.
J.M. & LYMAN W. (2007) The strange case of the
earliest silver extraction by European colonist in the New World. PNAS,
TRAVIS I.D. (1892) The history of the Clayton-Bulwer
Treaty. Publications of the Michigan Political Science Association. 312 pp.
q WALLACE SIMPSON M. (2014) Ruta de transito y canal
por Nicaragua o parte de la historia de un país en venta. Amerrisque,
Nicaragua, 206 pp.
q W.E.R.
(1912) Nine Months on a cruise. And Experiences
in Nicaragua. 122 pp.
G.T. (1916) 64th Congress 1st
Session Senate. Document 334. American Policiy in
Nicaragua. Memorandum on the Convention between the United States and Nicaragua
relative to an interoceanic canal and a naval station in the Gulf of Fonseca,
signed at Managua, Nicaragua. On February 8, 1913. Presented by Mr. Lodge.
Washington Government Printing Office. 44 pp.
WERNER P.S. (xxxx) Dos
versiones de los Tiempos Tempranos de Nicaragua en Comparación con la colección
Somoza. Ave Maria College Of The Americas,
San Marcos, Nicaragua, 17 pp.
S.F. (1860) Califormia
and Nicaragua in Rhyme. A truthful epic by Samuel F. Wight. Boston, Alfred Mudge & Son. 96 pp.
J. (2004) Those That Live by the Work of Their Hands: Labour, Ethnicity and Nation-State Formation in Nicaragua.
J. Lat. Amer. Stud., 36:57-83.
J. (1872) Adventures and Narrow Escapes
in Nicaragua by Joseph Worth in 1886 and 1887. Spaulding & Barto, Book and Joe Printers. 52 pp.
q YALLOP D. (1984) En
Nombre de Dios. Investigacion sobre el asesinato de
Juan Pablo I. Editorial La Oveja Negra, Bogota,
Colombia. 238 pp.
q ZELAYA J.S. (1910) The Revolution of Nicaragua and the United States. Bernardo
Rodriguez Printers, Madrid. 175 pp.
(La lucha de Sandino) pagina organizada por el Dr.
Michael Schroeder. Tiene actualmente mas
de 3,000 documentos entre textos, fotos y otros. http://www.sandinorebellion.com/